Staying active and healthy during flu season

Simple strategies to keep training even when you’re under the weather.

When flu season hits, the thought of training might feel less appealing, but staying active is crucial. Starting where you are and using your jump rope mastery can be a great way to maintain your routine while also boosting your immune system. By practicing proper breathing through exercises like jumping rope with a training jump rope, you help your body manage symptoms like fever, fatigue and cough. This not only keeps you on track with your fitness goals but also helps prevent the spread of illness to others.

a thick multi-section jump rope

Hydration is key before any workout, especially for kids. Make sure they’re drinking plenty of water, particularly in the morning. Be mindful of their fluid needs around meals and snacks. After consuming sports drinks, switch to water to replenish what their bodies lose during exercise. Before diving into a strenuous activity, consider a time-release carbohydrate gel to sustain your energy throughout the session. This approach helps you power through your workout and avoid any mid-session crashes.


Even when feeling under the weather, it’s essential to keep moving. Your performance might dip if you're sick, but continuing to exercise can help prevent injuries and speed up recovery after an illness. Remember, your body benefits from staying active, even at a lower intensity. Whether you're jumping rope or engaging in other exercises, maintaining a routine can make all the difference in how quickly you bounce back.


Warming up is especially important during flu season. Whether you’re resuming school, work, or just starting your day, ensure you’re not jumping straight into intense activities. A simple warm-up like walking or biking gets your heart and lungs ready for the exercise ahead. Even a brisk five-minute walk can get your blood pumping and muscles moving, setting you up for a safer, more effective workout session.
